When we first moved into our new house this year I knew one thing I had to have in my living room- A white armoire. I just didn't know it was going to be so hard to find. After weeks of looking, the only one I could find that I loved was this $1500 one from Pottery Barn, which I knew my husband wasn't going to love.
One day I was complaining to my friend and decorator extraordinaire - Corbin- about my white armoire dilemma and of course he had the ultimate solution! Buy a used one from a thrift store and then he would help me refinish the piece to look just like the pottery barn one but only better! So, here's the one I picked up at a thrift store for $100. It clearly doesn't look like the Pottery Barn one.
So, after a few weekends of hard work- taking off doors, sanding, repainting, putting on new hardware, and distresssing, I got the white armoire I so dreamed about!
Decorator Extraordinaire- Corbin Corbin again, and yes, I did actually work too
We added touches of distressing throughout the piece to add a bit of the french look. You know I have a thing for anything French.
AND.... Drumroll please.....
The best part of all was my cost:
4 bottles of wine $40
A couple pizzas and wings give or take $30
Total Cost of White Armoire after paint and supplies
$ 220
Thanks again to my decorator extraordinaire...